The new Board of Directors held its first session at the end of the assembly and elected as manager the business administrator Javier Darío Toro Zuluaga, who will have the mission of seeking strategies to overcome the crisis and complete the construction of Hidroituango.
Toro Zuluaga has served as secretary of Infrastructure of Medellín, manager of Metroplús, manager of Concessions of the Government of Antioquia, manager of the Liquor Factory of Antioquia, among other positions.
“The most important expectation is to help the department to move forward, a work that is essential for Antioquia. It is essential for us to get ahead in the shortest possible time and with the minimum costs, ”said Toro.
He stated that in the first instance he will know in depth the technical and legal problems of the mega-work, “to have a deep vision and to be able to issue a concept. We will work with judgment and we will be balanced in our management. ”